two dark brown hands holding each other at the wrist

Cyber Fellows was born in Tkaronto (Toronto), which is on the treaty lands and territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the traditional territories of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Chippewa, and the Anishinabeg First Nations. Toronto is also home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, as well as Indigenous peoples from all over the world.

Participants in this project joined us over the internet from many parts of Turtle Island, namely: the territories of the Kanien’kehá:ka; Treaty 6; the ancestral homelands of the Lenape; and the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. This project also took place in Jakarta and Makassar, Indonesia.

We gratefully acknowledge the abundant natural systems that nurture us in these places, and the responsibilities we all share in caring for them.

We thank the Canada Council for the Arts’ Digital Strategies Fund, without which this project would not have been possible.

This project is a learning experience for Younger Than Beyoncé members. We are indebted to our peers for everything we learned in the process.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the inaugural group of Cyber Fellows and their mentors. Our fellows are Adam Mbowe and Emem Etti; Avia Allen and michelle liu; Azizi Al Majid; Brandon Membrere and Nishina Shapwaykeesic-Loft; Byron Peters and Sajdeep Soomal; Donald Vaillancourt; Emkay Adjei-Manu and Nuri Mahadere; Harmeet Rehal, Harris I. Qureshi, Jasmine Noseworthy Persaud, and MJ Roshini James; Henry Lumba; Meita Meilita; Miranda Newman and Susana Meza; and Nugraha Salim. Their mentors are Angel Callandar, China Mae Stepter, Elizabeth Mundoyo, Francis Tomkins, Justina Zatzman, Lauren Remark, melannie patchwork monoceros, Peter Rahul, and Gudskul.

We deeply thank and acknowledge our partners from Flux Factory: Jonathan Sims, Carlos David, and Lexy Ho-Tai; from Gudskul: Amy Zahrawaan, Angga Wijaya, and Gesyada Siregar; and from Pulse Lab at McMaster University: Paula Gardner, Katie Huckson, Steve Surlin, and Mairead Stewart.

During the creation of this project we asked for the advice, ideas, and feedback from many people. We’d like to especially thank Amanda Vincelli, Alice Yuan Zhang, Anise Hines, Rosemary Heather, Tao Fei, Sean J Patrick Carney, Caroline Woolard, Sarah Adefehinti, Ellie Osborne, and Suzanne Stein for their valuable input.

We owe special thanks to Katie Huckson for her skills at consolidating thoughts, deadlines, and ideas, as well as her unflagging efforts to keep us organized.

Lastly, we are grateful to our web designer, Lauren Connell-Whitney, and our illustrators Harmeet Rehal and Nori Cholid, for their creativity, patience, and collaborative skills. We thank Noel Pendawa, for helping with Indonesian translation and captions; Angie Rajani for consulting on the accessibility of the PDFs embedded in this website; and Merray Gerges, our copy editor.